Bizarre love triangle

Life arises from deep within: The sacrum resembles a rearing cobra with a flared hood. This triangular "holy bone" is found between the wings of the pelvis. In Egypt, the snake conveyed royalty, immortality and divinity and was called...

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She sells sanctuary

Meet the Red Goddess: Isis is the Holy Whore draped in scarlet, purple and gold and ready to deliver the Christ (the ultimate battlefield weapon) on the side of the angels. She is the archetypal bad girl with cherry lips and split...

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Hymn to her

This is the vesica piscis: It translates from Latin as "fish bladder" and describes two equal circles passing through each other’s centers. Our world is made up of many of these feminine conjunctions. The vesica pisces has special...

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Here comes the Sun

The Egyptians referred to Ra as "the Word": I am the Eternal, I am Ra I am that which created the Word I am the Word. This passage comes from the Book of the Dead which is the oldest text in the world. Thousands of years later, this verse...

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Top of the world

Certain naturally occurring shapes and forms are mysteriously pleasing to the human eye. Examples are the graceful swirl of a nautilus shell, the crystalline structures of the mineral kingdom, and the remarkable patterns found in snowflakes and...

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Rise to the equation

In 1200 AD an Italian noticed that plants grow from the ground in a certain way. He observed that when the shoot pushed from the soil it created the stem first. Soon after appeared the first leaves and branches. It looked like this: The man...

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Phi is a FUNCTION—the primordial algorithm. The ratio of a : a+b can be written as 1 : 1.618. Phi (Φ) recurs infinitely and is also known as dynamic, because in a sense it’s alive. Unlike the Fibonacci spiral, you will NEVER see a golden...

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The Fibonacci spiral

Coming back to our Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144... What these numbers are doing is super-imposing themselves on the golden ratio. Mother nature, or our physical, unfolded universe is the result of enfolded OHM...

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The Lotus of Life

When spirit or "resonant light" creates, it manifests the circle as the simplest of shapes. Then it draws another in a binary pattern: This image is reflected in the divisions of cells during human conception. As a single cell inside your...

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Metatron’s Cube

This schematic hints at the pathway to enlightenment: Gazing deeply into the patterns above is like holding a mirror up to your immortal soul.  Metatron's Cube unites the geometrical patterns of the seven chakras (below) into one framework...

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