The Return of the King

In November of 2023 I had my first experience with Christ Consciousness.

I was not expecting anything unusual when I arrived at Coles Bay, a tourist town in Freycinet National Park, Tasmania. I had been coming to this beach house for 50 years—some of my earliest memories were there. But this time, for the first time, I was alone.

Our “shack” at the Fisheries is dominated by three granite peaks—the highest of which is Mt Dove. I had climbed their crystal faces many times and from their summits enjoyed spectacular views of Wineglass Bay and Richardson’s Beach—named after my great uncle. Ron had started the nearby Chateau, a tourist lodge dating back to 1934.

This was my first visit that wasn’t at Christmas time. So there was no families on holiday and no screaming kids. The wind was chilly and the beach was deserted. I turned on the pump, filled the fridge and made the bed. This place, with so many memories, wasn’t used much anymore but was still comfortable.

I busied myself with some chores—I chopped up some enormous stumps, carried boxes of water and cleared the gutters. In the evening I explored the bay. The sand was more like gravel—a pink slurry from the mountains made up of quartz and mica fragments. Great for exfoliating the skin but not so easy underfoot:

My bedroom was above the beach and you could hear the waves lapping at night. Despite coming here for decades, I had never noticed how peaceful it was. When I went to bed I realised that this particular night was especially still. The sea was like a millpond under the new moon. No waves on the beach. Dead silence. I slowly drifted off…

Suddenly, a powerful force gripped me. How to describe it? The infinite peace of eternal bliss. The divine rapture. I revelled in this ecstasy for hours before sleep finally overtook me. When I awoke the next day, illumination was still there! How else do you describe STANDING TO GLORY?

People ask me if this experience was the same as 5-MeO-DMT. It wasn’t because the toad forces a surrender of the ego—for 15 minutes there is no “you” just “God”. This annihilation of the psyche can be frightening and it’s one reason a shaman is often used. But no, this state was different.

So I showered, dressed and ate in the morning light. When I sat on the balcony, I noticed that the presence was still there. It was “me” and “it” at the same time. All I could feel was a cosmic fire. Shock and awe—a sense that humans were designed for this all along. Strangely, I felt my central nervous system igniting like a burning bush:

And then, the revelations. I saw how the world was made, how consciousness blossoms, how humans were part of the fractal firmament. In my hand I held a piece of granite. It showed me that quartz and mica were birefringent and that this was the secret to life itself: the soul emulates the principles of double refraction also found in calcite crystals.

I was shown how rose granite is a lunar rock and how the solar rays animate it in a way that creates harmony in the human body. This is because quartz is a tetrahedral crystal. I saw that the Egyptians cared so much about this alchemical stone that they shipped it downstream from half a world away:

My grandmother Helen had always told me that Coles Bay was a special place and now I finally understood why. The granite peaks above were like giant buds on the Christ Grid. When the Sun activates this lunar rock on a new moon, it flowers like an exquisite lotus. This sacred field inspires the anima and anima mundi to harmonise.

For three days this state animated me as I edged closer to exhaustion. Although I felt like a glowing wire with 40,000 volts going through it, I still wanted a return to little old me. Eventually, as spontaneously as it had come, it switched off like a light. Gone.

The Christ Grid above combines the icosahedron (water) with the dodecahedron (life). Emerging from the centre is the star tetrahedron. This speaks to the dynamic, purifying cosmic fire, or the balance between the soul and the world soul. Often referred to as the Yin Yang in Taoist philosophy, this shape embodies the idea of harmony in the universe.

Months passed with no repeat experiences. I began to wonder if this ecstasy was just random, never to be repeated. I had spent much of my life searching for God. Would He ever make another appearance? Then I had the final revelation: He is within me, too! So all along, God was just reaching for Himself—the Almighty seeking self-awareness.

This was the genius of Michelangelo. The hands belong to the same joker.