The Sacred Stone
Pink granite was revered by the Egyptians. Granite comes from the Latin granum, or "grain" in reference to the coarse structure of this crystalline rock. Granite consists mainly of quartz, feldspar and mica which form an interlocking matrix....
Read moreHieroglyphics
Hieroglyphics were the language of the soul. When picture writing first began, the icons represented the object they depicted. These were called pictograms. Later, images came to represent ideas and were known as ideograms. Thousands of years...
Read moreThe Beast Below
Anubis holds a mirror to your soul. For Anubis is the beast below, the subwoofer who stalks the frequencies beneath our audible range. Anubis creates feelings of awe and terror that must be mastered before we can pass into deeper realms of...
Read morePuretone
To KNOW the universe, you must first BE the universe. If this phrase seems ambitious, it merely hints at the awesome wisdom of the ancient Egyptians. They planned and built on a scale never seen before and this was due to their profound...
Read moreThoth
Egypt's master magician was drawn as a bird: Thoth is the phoenetic rendition of the sound that an ibis makes—a short, sharp, tympanic rumble that resembled the ancient Egyptian word for God. Usually described as a silent bird, the...
Read moreAre you Sirius?
The image below features Thoth—the god of communication: Thoth sits upon the left eye of Horus, hinting at the connection between the left eye and the pineal gland. He receives divine insights from the light of the star and then writes them...
Read moreSeshat
Seshat was fondly known as the "mistress of measure". Initially, she gifted time to humanity which was governed by the menstrual cycle. Here we are reminded that a woman's period makes its presence felt every 28 days just like the lunar...
Read moreEntheogens
Some drugs are toxic. It's no accident that the etymological origin of the word toxic stems directly from the Greek toxicon that refers to the "bow" used in poison arrows. The difference between a poison, a medicine and a narcotic is only...
Read moreStargates
A cave is a womb in the Earth. Since antiquity caves like Melissani (above) have been viewed as sacred places of retreat and renewal often associated with music. While a cave can be any enclosed space within Mother Earth, it actually implies...
Read moreThe Winged Disc
Once upon a time we worshipped beneath this symbol of enlightenment: The red mandala is emblematic of the root chakra. The horns above it are those of Khnum, the god of creation. On either side, the unifying turquoise wings are those of Thoth,...
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