The Three Tenors
Here's a bird's eye view of three harmonic infrasound resonators: Notice that there are two golden rectangles in golden mean proportion to each other. At first glance this is an unusual arrangement that appears to lack any artistic merit. If...
Read moreThe Anthropocosm
AS ABOVE: SO BELOW: AS WITHIN: SO WITHOUT: The idea of a feminine world is ancient and informed the highest civilisation of all—Egypt. Every woman embodies nature, in imagination and actuality. She also hints at the...
Read moreCoherence
The Throne of Isis speaks to the LAW OF COHERENCE. This rule states that everything in the universe strives to return to a natural state of balance. Left in an unnatural state of order or chaos, particles of matter will gradually find...
Read moreThe Number of Love
The Egyptians knew the secrets of eternal life. This was because they saw no difference between the internal and external worlds: the microcosmos and macrocosmos. God then, was mathematically implied using the stereographic projection that...
Read moreMorphogenetics
Here we return to the dodecahedron: It has 12 faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges. It represents LIFE and is related to the dance of Earth and Venus as discussed here. The Platonic solids are geometrically formed composites which are so...
Read moreThe Cosmic Furnace
Since the dawn of time, alchemists have turned base metals into gold. Our ancestors considered gold to be the highest form of matter. As human knowledge advanced, some aspects of alchemy gave way to the sciences we know today. And yet, with...
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Colour is one manifestation of vibration. Colour has a profound effect on our spiritual, emotional and physical states. It is made up of different wavelengths and frequencies. The seven colours of the spectrum (based on the musical octave)...
Read moreWadjet & Nekhbet
Wadjet was the goddess of protection. As a patron deity she was often depicted as a rearing Egyptian cobra that was a snake common to the delta region. Her oracle was in the renowned temple in Per-Wadjet that was dedicated to her worship and...
Read moreMafdet
As a lunar goddess, Mafdet was known as the Piercer of Darkness. Cheetahs were known by our ancestors as "flying cats" because at a sprint they appeared to be soaring over the ground. Airborne over half the time, they could accelerate to 75...
Read moreThe Sword of Truth
Pakal was a Maya king: Kʼinich Janaab Pakal or simply "Pakal" was buried in a colossal sarcophagus in the largest of Palenque's stepped pyramids. The building was called Bʼolon Yej Teʼ Naah "House of the Nine Sharpened Spears" in...
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