The Lotus of Life
When spirit or “resonant light” creates, it manifests the circle as the simplest of shapes. Then it draws another in a binary pattern:

This image is reflected in the divisions of cells during human conception. As a single cell inside your mother’s womb you began to divide, moving through many of the forms in sacred geometry until you develop into a fully adult human. The first key shape is the triquetra which is the simplest form of a flower and the genesis of consciousness:

This is the rebirth of Seshat—she governs time. By continuing this sequence, six circles can be drawn over the first, to make seven. And on the seventh day SHE rested.

By continuing this pattern we eventually arrive at The Lotus of Life:

In a profound sense then, the number 19 represents the way life expresses itself inter-dimensionally. This is how the lower, middle and higher realms reflect our subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds (instinct as emotion as thought). This is expressed in the 19 central circles in The Lotus of Life that we call the human soul. It has a double wall that is easily felt with a tuning fork. Science refers to this pattern as a type of plasma, or the fourth state of matter.
This subtle energy is to electromagnetism as water vapour is to water. Just as we do not measure water vapour with the tools we use to measure water, we can’t measure subtle energy with the same tools we’d use to measure electricity. Indeed, this power is finer and follows different laws. Another word for this mercurial energy is bioplasma—a fine aetheric fluid that surrounds all living beings.

The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest known examples of the Lotus of Life. They date back as far as 9,125 BCE. It appears as if they were burned into the granite. Other examples can be found in Phoenician, Assyrian and Indian cultures. The ancient secret of the Lotus of Life is discussed here.