The Nile Chakras

Egypt is not a country you live in—it lives within you.

Art thou aware that Egypt is the image of heaven, or rather, that it is the projection below of the order of things above? If the truth must be told, this land is indeed the temple of the world.

This quote from Hermes Trismegistus reveals what the ancients knew for thousands of years—that the Nile was not just a reflection of the Milky Way, but also a manifestation of the human chakra system. The neophyte then, started in the south and worked their way downstream as they became an initiate, an adept and eventually a magus in the temples of the north.

This process might take years and only when the priests were satisfied could a mystic progress. Some temples were pleasurable where sexuality were explored, while others were terrifying and required true feats of strength, courage and endurance to prevail.

The Nile temple network then, is a direct manifestation of the energy system of the human body. The lower energy centres of survival, sex and power were balanced by the higher centres of communication, intuition and connection. The most important chakra was therefore the high heart where these forces were harmonised.

Chakras are the energy centers of the body. They are located along the spine, starting at the base and running upwards towards the crown. The chakras coincide with a gland in the physical body and each radiates a unique colour. Since the chakras relate to specific spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of our being, their inhibition can lead to corresponding disorders. The conscious balancing of these energy centres on the other hand, can lead to profound states of awareness.

The process of enlightenment then, involved the neophyte starting at the root chakra at Philae and working their way north to the soul star at Giza. This journey may have taken years as specific lessons were mastered. Temples were seen as houses for the gods to whom they were dedicated. Indeed, the services and rituals were seen as necessary for the gods to uphold Ma’at—the divine order of the universe.

Besides the temples themselves, the Egyptians created neters or animal gods whose traits embodied the personalities of the chakra system. For neophytes struggling to master the world within themselves, then a stroll beside the river may have inspired fresh insights. Indeed, according to Egyptian legend, Isis took a boat and gathered the fragments of Osiris’s body. Wherever she found one, she built a temple.

So the most profound difference between ancient and modern man was that our ancestors considered themselves part of the animal kingdom—not separate from it. The true process of enlightenment then, meant recognising the animal spirits (Neters) of the world around us as a reflection of our inner natures.

Above: the tree of life within animalistic man

The most important part of the temple was the sanctuary, which contained the Atet. Otherwise known a solar barque, this was a mythological representation of the Sun riding in a boat. In this way, Ra was said to travel through the sky in his barge, providing light to the world. Reminiscent of the Ark of the Covenant, this wooden boat was usually gold plated.

THE RED LION: the Egyptian idea of Adam Kadmon was embodied in the lion couchant. This all-pervading Vyapini chakra (Soul Star) invited rebirth. The 42nd nome was the home of the Sphinx, where harmony between the soul and the universe was achieved. Cosmic Man was depicted in the controlled power of Osiris expressed as part of the Melchizedek Order. This was also reflected in the Rosy Cross at Giza.

THE CROWN OF THE RULER: Apis was the sacred bull at Memphis. The bull was chosen because it symbolised the great strength, fighting spirit and eternal fertility of the ruler. As early as the Narmer Palette, the king was depicted with a bovine tail. Memphis was the capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom for more than eight consecutive dynasties and occupied a strategic position at the mouth of the Nile Delta. During this golden age, Memphis thrived as a centre for commerce, trade and religion.

THE THIRD EYE OF INSIGHT: this chakra denotes the opposing forces of Horus and Set. Fifth Dynasty temples in Abu Gorab were devoted to both the light and the dark. On the opposite bank of the Nile were temples devoted to Set, although these were desecrated in antiquity. Much later, Ramesses II would dedicate his own temple here to Ra, Amun and Nekhbet. Spiritually, the third eye has been known by many names including the “Eye of the Mind”.

THE THROAT OF TRUTH: the trachea opens the portal of communication with freedom of expression. The Greeks called Hermopolis “The City of Hermes” since they identified him with the divine herald, Thoth. The portico of the temple existed until 1825 when it was drawn by early European explorers and published on prints. In art, Thoth was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon.

THE HEART OF LOVE: the middle chakra is the wisdom of the heart and when this is opened we truly blossom. Hathor’s popularity is attested to by the number of minor goddesses who shared her attributes and were considered aspects of this Mother Goddess. The most important of these were the Seven Hathors who were present at the birth of a human being and decreed their fate. Hathor was, in early times, worshipped in the form of a cow at temples like Dendera.

THE SOLAR PLEXUS OF POWER: the third chakra is devoted to awakened ability and manifested potential. The primal god at Thebes was Amun, usually depicted wearing the double crown of Egypt—representing dominion over all the land. Often associated with strength, courage and power, Amun was usually portrayed as a serpent. Thebes was the capital of Egypt during the Middle and New Kingdoms.

THE SACRAL OF SEXUALITY: the crocodile chakra is dedicated to Sobek at Kom Ombo. Crocodile courting goes on for hours and involves all the senses—they are passionate lovers. Unlike many other reptiles and mammals, male alligators sport permanently erect penises that hide inside their bodies and only emerge during coitus. Sbk in Egyptian is derived from a causative of the verb “to impregnate”. As a fertility god, Sobek was often shown with a nilometer above his head.

THE ROOT OF SURVIVAL: the ram chakra is dedicated to Khnum. The god of creation sits on the potter’s wheel and forms people out of clay. Rams are considered a symbol of virility due to their rutting behaviour. The sexually violent rut is characterised by increased testosterone, exaggerated dimorphisms and aggressive posturing. Elephantine and Philae were dedicated to Osiris and Isis—the ancient gods of fertility.

Above: the evergreen Khnum flanked by death (Nephthys) and rebirth (Isis)

The ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile flooded every year from of the tears of Isis over the death of her husband, Osiris. Metaphysically, the life-giving water of this river reflected  the sacred stone of Aswan—pink granite resonated with peace and love. No surprises then, that this healing crystal was transported to the pyramids far to the north.

On a practical level, this flooding of the Nile was the result of the yearly monsoon between May and August causing enormous precipitation in the Ethiopian Highlands. Most of this rainwater was carried downstream by the Blue Nile and the Atbarah River.