The Quintessence
The heart is really a “biocrystal”.

As hinted at previously, it has a sacred fraction that approaches 0.51 using the centred hexagonal numbers and their star number reflections. In the natural world this ratio is found in the human heart and red granite. As a centred pentagonal number, 51 has a fractal shape:

Spiritually, 51 refers to the quintessence. This “ether” is born from the Magnum Opus that prompts the sublimation of being. In other words, it symbolises immanence, or the unmanifest spawning the manifest—the blissful union of the esoteric and the exoteric. This climax invites life to be reborn which is reflected in the Ankh, or the Circle of Willis.

So the Ankh serves as a conduit for the power of life that permeates the universe. It invites us to find balance in all things so that we can merge the opposing forces within us like feminine and masculine, passive and active, unconscious and conscious. Because the Ankh also aligns with the dodecahedron it resonates with universal life—a force that even Newton made reference to:
There is a vital agent diffused through everything in the Earth, a mercurial spirit, extremely subtle and supremely volatile.
Deep within our physical, psychological and spiritual genetics the Ankh has remained active with its secrets being unconsciously seeded from one generation to the next—as vital today as it was in ages past. Once upon a time, it was viewed as a healing symbol that royal physicians like Imhotep used to famous effect.
Eternal life represents the vital energy that can penetrate physical matter. For many of us, reaching sublime states involves breathing, mantras and meditation but it’s helpful to know the goal. The enneagram then, is symbolic of illumination because it is made up of pentagrams:

The quintessence.