The Sun Cross
The pyramids have mystified travellers since they emerged from the jungle:
They are positioned west of Cairo and aligned with true north. Despite their antiquity, there is not a single hieroglyph on any of the structures—implying that they were built before dynastic Egypt. It also suggests that the secrets of the Tria Prima were reflected in salt, sulphur and mercury—or Earth, Venus and Mercury:
Pictured above is the orbital period ratios of the inner planets reflected at Giza. On the x-axis are real numbers, on the y-axis are imaginary numbers. We can even reproduce it from memory because it looks like a Sun Cross:
Here we are reminded that the Sun Cross can also be interpreted as a swastika. This word comes from Sanskrit meaning “conducive to well-being”. In Hinduism, this masculine clockwise design or surya means prosperity. The final ka is a common suffix that refers to the spirit. The swastika never stopped being used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
In this case the cross represents the Sudarshana Chakra or the Sun God. Often referred to as the Soul Star chakra, it is the seat of divine love, spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. The eighth chakra is the doorway between our immortal soul and the universe. Devotees trust that this chakra clears the path to enlightenment.
The painting above shows the blue-skinned Hindu god Vishnu (Osiris) in his form as the Universal Man. The small figures painted on his body refer to his role as encompassing all of creation. He has four arms, each holding one of Vishnu’s attributes—a conch shell, a lotus, a mace and a sun cross.
The Soul Star is derived from the rhombicuboctahedron. The rhombicuboctahedral graph has 24 vertices and 48 edges. It is quartic, meaning each of its vertices is connected to four others. This graph is classified as Archimedean graph, because it resembles the graph of an Archimedean solid:
If we revisit the Hermetic phrase “as within, so without” then we are reminded that the shape of a cross on the ground is also a stereographic projection of an element. If we accept that the sun cross implies the iron cross, then the element we wish to investigate is naturally Fe:
The stereographic projection of the alpha iron (α) appears below and we can place the apexes of the three pyramids upon it:
The stereographic projection interprets timespace. So Giza as a lunisolar calendar hints at the orbits of the planets, the alpha iron and the path of the Sun.
In other words, the ancient Egyptians understood that timespace was a mandala—Giza was at once a calendar and a map. Today we find the same yantras in cymatics.