Tria Prima
The Three Prime Essentials inspire the Great Central Sun:

Here we are reminded of the triple-alpha process in a set of nuclear fusion reactions where three alpha particles are transformed into carbon. This happens when a star builds up large amounts of helium “ash” in its core from burning hydrogen.

Carbon-13 is a natural, stable isotope of carbon with seven neutrons, six protons and six electrons. As one of the environmental isotopes, it makes up about one percent of all natural carbon on Earth. The graphic above is one way to present this isotope.
Carbon is nonmetallic and tetravalent—meaning that its atoms are able to form up to four covalent bonds due to its valence shell exhibiting four electrons. In other words, carbon can appear to have triangular faces even as it forms cubic or honeycomb patterns:

The great versatility of the carbon atom makes it the element most likely to provide solutions to the challenges of survival. Indeed, the carbon cycle is important in maintaining life on Earth. Because creation sounds like the humming of bees, this hexagonal element symbolises life itself.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Once upon a time, our lower impulses of thought, emotion and instinct could be transmuted into the higher elements of truth, faith and trust. The Ennead was used to reflect these archetypal forces of creation, all of which were seen in nature and applied to human affairs. This invited alchemists to recognise our nine-fold nature based on the anatomy of the brain, heart and gut:
Rational Man
Romantic Man
Reflexive Man
Above: can you see three interlocked triangles?
Any potential for transformation occurs through awareness. When reading through each of the Nine, be honest, open and aware. Which do you still need to identify, accept and resolve? The awareness that all Nine exist within you, to be used at any time, means that you become a fully responsible co-creator, on Earth, now. At their height, this is how the Egyptians lived, creating an awakened civilisation from the basis of the 9/3 enneagram:
One day soon, you will use all of the Nine to regain consciousness. This is also how we are designed to operate: as a co-creative part of life here on Earth, understanding that we are each composed of the Nine. You come to “know thyself” by experiencing and becoming the Nine in physical form, with this journey leading into every facet of human and divine awareness so that you may activate your Merkaba.
Above: can you see how the nine opens the stargate of irregular pentagons?
Another word for this subtle energy is bioplasma. Bioplasma is a diffuse magnetic fluid which surrounds all living beings. Like a liquid, it can be made up of varying viscosities and densities. So this field not only surrounds humans, but also the planet. The energy of the Nine then, includes the electromagnetic field as a facsimile of the spiritual dimensions.
This realisation of deeper layers of divinity was the basis of Egyptian civilisation at its height. This alchemy of life harmonised the rational, emotional and instinctual bodies to allow the full immersion of life into physicality. Below, we notice how the enneagram joins the nose, the sacred organ responsible for the breath of life:
Buddha’s revelations occurred beneath a fig tree—the Bodhi. In religious iconography, this tree is recognisable by its heart-shaped leaves which are prominently displayed. So this “tree of awakening” played a key role in the peace of Buddha. This was the state of bliss that blossomed from within due to conscious breathing.
Figs have a rejuvenating effect on the body and combat the aging process because they are rich in flavonoids, polyphenols and anthocyanins. These are also known for their powerful antioxidant effects in neutralising free radicals. Regular consumption improves memory, relieves sleep disorders and works wonders for anemia. Figs are also a strong immune stimulant and have been a favourite of doctors since at least 10,000 BCE.
These aphrodisiacs are also rich in copper and vitamin B6. Copper is a vital mineral that’s involved in energy production as well as the formation of blood cells, connective tissues and neurotransmitters. Figs also improve blood pressure and blood fat levels, which can help boost vascular health and decrease the risk of heart disease. As a “superfood” they have the highest mineral and fibre content of ALL common fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Figs are also symbolic of rebirth but more specifically the human uterus. In ancient Egypt, Ficus sycomorus was associated with the goddess Hathor whose face resembled a womb. The fig was also portrayed as the Egyptian Tree of Life and its timbers richly adorned the tombs of the pharaohs. Later, the fig was reborn in the Middle East within the hamsa—a symbol of the diaphragm that promoted the arrival of spirit within the body:
Figs are technically not fruit—they are actually inverted flowers. So fig trees don’t bloom like apple trees because they flower inside the pod which later matures. The result is a hard fruit called achene―which gives the fig the “crunch” we love. Certain types of fig are different sexes and require a special wasp to pollinate the females.
Religious Man
Here we return to our triangles as we add the Merkaba above. This 9 + 3 format implies a 12-pointed star. In this case it has 12 vertices that can be drawn as FOUR interlocking equilateral triangles known as the dodecagram:
These rotating triangles naturally form squares to which we can add a circle. Squaring the circle is a problem in geometry first solved by the Egyptians. It is the challenge of constructing a square with the area of a given circle by using only a finite number of steps. In this case, we rediscovered it thanks to the dodecagram:
So the rotating triangles really produce a harmonic circle and square. When man touches both, then we have life. Eventually, we can add a larger circle and square which is really the pathway from salvation to enlightenment because it overlays the heart chakra (a hexagram) with the soul star (an octagram):
Above: the Crown of Thorns
Enlightenment by definition is the balance point between the personal and the universal. We acknowledge ourselves as the nexus of both. In the figure above, man becomes conscious of himself as the two that are really one. He is at once the inner and the outer—the Eye of Providence requires both to be fully Self-aware.
Above: the square and the circle have the same areas
So the squared circle comes from the triangle: this is the hidden conceptual framework that allows this ancient paradox to be resolved. It makes both the circle and square irrational because π is a transcendental number. The triangle then, reminds us of the sacrum—the creative force of the universe that transcends time and space.
The microcosm and macrocosm refer to form of recursion that is present in many esoteric models of philosophy. Born in Egypt, this heka was not lost on Pythagoras, who saw the cosmos and the body as a harmonious unity. This idea of “as within, so without” was revived about a century later by Plato and again during the Renaissance by Da Vinci.
For this was the Great Work that resulted in the Living Light. In other words, the famous “pure being” at the end of the Magnum Opus. So our individual awareness had to be gilded into cosmic consciousness as we became simultaneous with the universe.